French grammar explanations and exercises
Following our previous article on the pronoms relatifs simples, we will focus in this issue on the pronoms relatifs composés.
Nowadays, we have noticed that they are used less and less by the French in their everyday language. They are very often replaced by a simpler pronoun such as qui or où. But still, it’s interesting to know them as you may still hear some of them in conversations (lequel being the more common) from time to time. And you’ll find them everywhere in articles or literature.
Let’s start with the relative pronoun LEQUEL which becomes LAQUELLE in the feminine form, LESQUELS in the masculine plural, and LESQUELLES in the feminine plural as they agree in gender and number with the noun they replace.
Note that lequel can also be used as an interrogative pronoun
Called un pronom relatif composé in French, lequel and its feminine and plural forms are mainly used after a preposition. Its meaning differs according to the preposition in question. Here are the most usual:
avec lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles = with which, with whom
dans lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles = in which
sur lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles = on which, on whom
pour lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles = for which, for whom
chez lequel/laquelle/lesquels/lesquelles = at someone’s place.
In the following examples, we have included an alternative way of expressing the same thing with a pronoun which is more commonly used in everyday life:
1. Voici l’ami avec lequel je vais partir en voyage. = Here is the friend with whom I’m going to travel.
Alternative: Voici l’ami avec qui je vais partir en voyage.
2. La maison dans laquelle ma mère vit est très vieille. = The house in which my mother lives is very old.
Alternative: La maison où ma mère vit est très vieille.
3. La table sur laquelle j’ai posé mon ordinateur est bancale. = The table on which I put my computer is wobbly.
Alternative: La table où j’ai posé mon ordinateur est bancale.
4. Les sociétés pour lesquelles je travaille comme consultant sont très dynamiques. = The companies for which I work as a consultant are very dynamic.
Alternative: Les sociétés pour qui je travaille comme consultant sont très dynamiques.
5. Le professeur chez lequel j’apprends à jouer du piano habite un beau quartier. = The professor at whose place I’m learning to play the piano lives in a beautiful neighborhood.
Alternative: Le professeur chez qui j’apprends à jouer du piano habite un beau quartier.